Objects of COCA

a. To promote religious, social, physical, civic, educational, moral, and recreational instructions for its members and their families and conduct the same according to the teachings of the Holy Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Holy Canons, traditions and regulations of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church.
b. To provide, promote and advance closer fellowship among members of the Eastern Orthodox Churches of the greater Akron area.
c. To study and render assistance toward the solution of any problems of mutual interest of the member churches.
d. To establish and publish dates of religious and social events of the various churches and to render support to said events.
e. To assist our priest by encouraging regular and greater church attendance and to promote joint Eastern Orthodox services on various appropriate dates.
f. To receive, hold and disburse gifts, bequests, and funds arising from all sources.

g. If requested, Council shall be in an advisory capacity to its member churches rendering suggestions and recommendations.

COCA Constitution--By-Laws

Executive Board Officers

Spiritual Advisor - Fr. Nick Manuel - Annunciation

President - Judge Kathryn Michael - St. George

Vice President - Joshua Wherley - St. Elia

Secretary - Maria Waterhouse - Presentation

Treasurer - Lou Poplos - Annunciation

Immediate Past President - Patti Malish-Nuzum - St. Nicholas

Meeting Dates & Locations